Appropriate stifle radiographs are imperative in the diagnostic work-up of a cranial cruciate ligament injury.

Lateral View:

A lateral view allows us to evaluate for stifle effusion and the possibility of other orthopedic conditions. If the image is overexposed, and you are unable to see the patellar ligament, evaluation for effusion is not possible.

A 90/90 lateral view (90 degree flexed at the stifle/90 degree flexed at the hock) is necessary to accurately measure the tibial plateau slope.

Only one leg should be in the radiograph.

To maintain stifle and hock in the same plane, the tarsus may need to be slightly elevated off the table, allowing a true lateral (non-oblique) view of the patient's stifle.

Appropriate positioning for pre and post-operative TPLO X-rays.

Lateral as well as craniocaudal view at preoperative, immediate postoperative, and 8 week recheck time points are necessary to assess healing progression.